• Somaliland Special Economic Zone Authority
  • Sat , July 27 2024

About SEZA


Welcome to the official website of the Somaliland Special Economic Zone Authority (SEZA). As the governing body responsible for promoting economic growth and development in Somaliland, SEZA aims to attract local and international investors to our designated special economic zones. By providing a conducive business environment, streamlined regulations, and attractive incentives, SEZA strives to foster innovation, job creation, and sustainable economic prosperity. Explore our website to learn more about SEZA's initiatives, investment opportunities, and the benefits of establishing your business in Somaliland's thriving special economic zones.

Steps To Begin


You are invited to come to Somaliland to utilize our effective & abundant labor force as a source of competitive advantage as you explore and develop larger markets for your goods and services.

  • Processing Zones

    Before you start your application, read more on the different export processing zones to help you pick a suitable location.

  • Application Requirements

    You will need to satisfy all the application requirements before you can start and submit your application.

  • Your Investor Pack

    Click here to read more on everything relevant to you as an investor so you can make an informed decision.

  • Start Application

    If you have all the required information, click here to begin the application for your Somaliland Free Zones Authority License.

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